Where do you find your inspiration?
Where do you look when you are getting excited about architecture?
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Where do you look when you are getting excited about architecture?
Read MoreSTEP FIFTEEN: Look at the options and decide which contract is right for you and your project.
Or if someone is making the decision for you, understand more about the contract you will be involved with.
Read MoreSTEP FOURTEEN: Learn the options, decide which procurement method is right for you and tender your architecture.
Read MorePeople often think that architects spend most of their time drawing and designing.
In some ways that is true! I draw to understand a problem and it helps me to solve it.
It is all in the details.
STEP THIRTEEN: The documents that will show how your architecture will be built – the little things about it that will make it special.
Read MoreAll of your documents have been prepared and your architecture is ready to build!!!
Read MoreSTEP TWELVE: Once your building application has been approved you will receive a letter to say you can commence building your architecture.
Read MoreWhat are your expectations? And how long does it really take??
Read MoreSTEP ELEVEN: You have all your information, you have a design, you have a plan, you have approval to develop your land. Now you need a permit to build your architecture. A Building Permit.
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