era | Inspire Me
Where do you find your inspiration?
Inspiration can be found every where around you.
It is not in fancy books or buildings.
It is in the every day moments that are special to you.
Trust that that is true and find what inspires you in your every day!
Whenever I look for inspiration for the architecture I am making, I find it in
the people I am making architecture for
the place where the architecture will be
the parts that will be used in the architecture to create the story of a unique architectural language
To look elsewhere may seem like a good idea, but it can distract you from finding architecture that is specific to you.
Looking elsewhere can mean that you are trying to draw inspiration from something that has no relationship to the architecture you are designing.
As such, whatever you see will not fit with your unique architectural language and the architecture you make will not be specific to you - it will not suit you.
So if you go out into the world looking for inspiration, try to direct your search.
For instance, rather than cruising Pinterest for random images of Mountain Cabins, be specific, based on something particular about finding your architectural language. Search for a specific material that will suit your architecture.
Inspiration is not only to create an idea. It travels with you as you find your architecture and interpret it into the details of construction and a built form.
People are fantastic inspiration for architecture!
Why you ask? Because the architecture will be made for them!!
What is the their story?
Everyone has their own story and that story has a place in the spaces they will live every day.
What is your story?
You may think that you are not all that interesting, but you are.
Those spaces will carry the stories of your past and the stories of your future.
it will be in every little thing that you do, it will be in every little moment that you share.
You will wander through doorways, spend time in spaces, move through rooms. You will touch the materials and use the parts. You will share moments with friends and family.
How do you find inspiration from people?
LEARN their story.
FIND all of the little things that are unique to them.
Every part of the story inspires architecture specific to the people who will use it.
What is it about your story that is inspiring to you??
Find little ways that you can learn about your people here.
P l a c e
It is hard to go past
the place your architecture will sit in the landscape as a focus of inspiration.
It is literally all around you.
How do you find inspiration from a place?
If you spend the time there, you will learn more and more AND MORE that will inspire your architecture.
the lay of the earth | the vegetation | the patterns of the seasons | the way the water runs | how the shadows change as the sun moves across the sky | where people walk | where birds fly
Every part inspires architecture specific to that place and therefore specific to you.
What is it about your place that is inspiring to you?
Find little ways that you can learn about your place here.
The parts of your architecture are all of the little things that you will use to build your architecture.
They help you to use the spaces you will be in, as well as tell the story of your life.
How do you find inspiration from your parts?
If you have an idea of the parts that you love that will become part of your architecture and every day, they can be inspirational to the architecture you will create.
So sit with them, get to know them and incorporate them in your design.
Materials are one of the largest parts that will make up your architecture - and they are more inspirational than you may initially imagine.
They are the elements of architecture that will create the feel and character of the spaces you will inhabit.
They create colour, shadow, pattern and texture.
You will touch them and feel the effects of them in your every day.
How do you find inspiration from materials?
That is easy.
Because they bring the inspiration with them!
So order some samples, then hang out with them for a while - inside and out.
What is it about the parts of your architecture that is inspiring to you?
Find little ways that you can learn about your materials here.
Your Place.
I have set up a special place where you can find little things and little ways to help you design + build your place.
I will add things to this place as time goes by and I would love to hear if there is anything that will help you! Connect with me and let me know what would be useful for you to see there.
Til next time!
Start the process to find your architectural language and make your little ideas a reality.
Click here to see the little things I have made for you, or click here if you would like to work with me one on one.