era | How will you Build?

As you start to think about your little ideas

think about how you will build them.

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The more I help people commence their journey in the Process and talk to people who are moving through it, the more I see how important it is to establish your Process from the beginning.

AT THE BEGINNING I see people struggling with how they will do what they want to do and trying to find a solution, but seeing too many options and not knowing which is right for them.

Or they kick off with a plan they are familiar with before thinking about what they are trying to achieve at the end of the day and what the best way might be to get there.

PARTWAY THROUGH I see people who have launched into the process without taking the time to consider which option will suit them best and ended up in all sorts of pickles trying to find their way through.

There is a lot that happens through the process to design and build architecture.

If you have a clear idea of the path to follow, it will save you time, money and uncertainty as you travel along.

Choosing you plan and your process.

When people first start to think about making their architectural ideas a reality, I find they come to me and start talking, but aren’t really sure what they are asking for.

The first thing I do is try to find out what problem they are trying to solve.

I ask some quick questions to get a snapshot of where they are and what they need.

This leads to an idea for how they might get there in a way that works best for them.

It is not just one factor that informs which path to follow. It is a combination of elements - the entire First Part in the Process to find architecture specific to you - the magic five elements


You need to know something about each of these steps in order to work out which way to go.

The most important is your purpose - YOUR END GOAL.

Once you have gathered that information, it is important to think about

how you will build your Architecture

because that it what you will need to do to make your architecture a reality.

This means sitting down early on and choosing a process that will take you to that type of build and therefore to your architecture.

The way you will build and the process that takes you there needs to suit you and your circumstances.

It will inform how you will take the information you have gathered and put together the entire Second Part in the Process


It will then inform the Third Part in the Process, as you head into the realm of construction contracts to build the reality you have been heading towards

procure | pact | commence | progress | complete

Choosing how you will build and which process you will use, means that you will head toward a clear objective and you won’t waste time or money in unnecessary ways along the way.

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The process to design + build architecture is not like buying a car.

Buying a car is a big purchase. You do your research - learn about the models available - break down the ones that suit you into your favourites, then head to the car yard and take a look around. You look at the form of the car, the colours and features. Then start opening doors and looking at the insides - breathing in that new car smell … There are a few lined up to choose from ready to sit in and feel, take for a drive before you buy, with the price on the dashboard and optional extras with a set value.

Choosing a process to follow to find your architecture is not quite the same.

You can do your research and learn about the options available, but you can’t sit in the finished product to make sure you like it or touch the finishes around you and the price isn’t fixed - in fact it seems to be very uncertain.

It is not a simple thing to lay out three different options of your architecture fully finished and ready to go with a finished price and time frame known before you make a decision about which one you will choose.

To get to that point would mean going down three different paths, spending a fair bit of time and money along the way, and being involved in three different processes.

Unfortunately it is just not feasible.

The way to choose your way through the process is to look at all of the options in as much detail as you can to choose which will suit you, commit to that plan and get going.

No-one will be able to give you a fixed price at this stage.

No-one will be able to give you a fixed time frame at this stage.

There are so many steps and parts involved in the process that no-one can determine these things in any detail yet.

That is why they will talk to you in terms of estimated price per square metre, or period of time in terms of weeks or months instead of days.

They are making an educated guess based on their own experience and that is why you can speak with ten different people and have ten different opinions about the process.

Unless you have been through a particular process with particular people before, it will be difficult for you to be certain that the way you are choosing is perfect for you.

This is a big decision about a lengthy and costly process. It seems that because of this there should be more certainty at this stage about how you can choose the best way forward.

The reason you are heading into this adventure will help you make the decision because you are already willing to take a chance on your belief you can make something that will improve your life.

Your program of cost and time will often jump straight to the top of your thoughts and decision making when you start out. But when you can’t be given definitive answers on either, consider the other things that will affect your decision - your purpose, your place, your people and your parts. Get to know them all and let them help you choose which process will suit every part .

Then talk to people.

Learn the different ways through and choose the option that seems to fit you best.

Take the time at the beginning to think about

how you will get to the end.

That will inform the most efficient way for you to get there - the best way for you.

Take a look at how to plan your architecture to try to work out where you are going before you take off on your journey!

Which process will work for you?

Your Place.

I have set up a special place where you can find little things and little ways to help you design + build your place.

I will add things to this place as time goes by and I would love to hear if there is anything that will help you! Connect with me and let me know what would be useful for you to see there.

Til next time!


Start the process to find your architectural language and make your little ideas a reality.

Click here to see the little things I have made for you, or click here if you would like to work with me one on one.