era | Putting your Ducks in a Row
You have made it!
You are here!!
All of your documents have been prepared and your architecture is ready to build!!!
It is all about to happen.
Someone is about to stick a spade in the ground and build your architecture!
If you are excited, you should be - this is what you have been preparing for!!
It may seem like a slow start, but all of a sudden things will begin happening quickly.
No matter what role you are playing in having your architecture constructed, you will need to provide information or answer questions.
So before you relax and let it happen, make sure all of your ducks are in a row and ready to go.
That means, make sure you have all of the documents you will need to provide, and all of the information you will need to pass on, and finish all of the research you need to do to answer the questions that will be asked of you.
If you aren’t sure what you need to have ready, ask whoever you are working with or read up and find out so that you are prepared before things start to happen.
Get your ducks in a row - your architecture is about to get three dimensional!
Til next time!
Start the process to find your architectural language and make your little ideas a reality.
Click here to see the little things I have made for you, or click here if you would like to work with me one on one.