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little changes | big impact

You Can make little changes to the spaces you live in that will have a big impact in making the lifestyle you wish for a reality

G r a b y o u r s e l f a b r e w a n d l e t ’ s g e t s t a r t e d . . .

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C h i l d r e n m a k e s o m u c h e f f o r t t o c r e a t e t h e i r o w n s p a c e – a cubby made with a sheet and spare chair, a house built under the leaves of a tree – t h e s e a r e o u r f i r s t h o m e s a n d t h a t n e e d t o c r e a t e o u r o w n s p a c e n e v e r l e a v e s u s .


I want to share little CHANGEs that you can make to the spaces you live in, that will have a big impact in the moments of your every day life

- with people who cannot generally afford to engage an architect -

There is so much you can do without going through a formal approval process - if you know the way.


not your every day Architect

My name is Emma and I am an Architect.

I want to help every day people make little changes to improve the moments of their every day lives.

Architecture is for people - it is not for other architects and it is not for other people.

It is for you.

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‘ You must start from the beginning,

letting your new buildings grow from the daily lives of the people who will live in them,

shaping the houses to the measure of peoples songs,

weaving the pattern of a village as if on the village looms,

mindful of the trees and the crafts that grow there,

respectful of the skylines and humble before the seasons.’

HASSAN FATHY | Architect


Five Little Ways


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little moments of every day architecture




… for family or friends.

An instant gift with effects that last.

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