era | PART 3 Build Your Architecture to Make it a Reality
What is the final part?
The third and final part in the process is to build your architecture.
Whether you employ a contractor to do everything for you, have some contractors help you along the way or do everything yourself, soon you will find yourself living with architecture every day.
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era | How to Design
How do you design?
Although the process may seem daunting, the steps to get you there are small and all of them are achievable. The most important thing to remember as you embark on this journey is to block out all of the noise and listen to yourself. You have more knowledge than you know about how to design architecture that will be unique to you.
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era | PART 2 Put the Information for Your Architecture Together
The second part in the process to design + build your architecture is to put the information together.
When you take all of the information you have gathered and put it together in one place, you start to see patterns which, when used in combination, create a unique solution that works in every way for you.
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era | Tools to Use
You use the information you gather to find your unique architectural language so that you can design + build architecture specific to you.
You use particular documents as tools to collate the information you gather into a form that can be used to communicate your architecture to the people who will help you design + build it.
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era | PART 1 Gather Information for Your Architecture
The first part in the process to design + build your architecture is to gather information.
All of the information you gather works together to inform your unique architectural language in order to make architecture specific to you. The more information you gather now, the less surprises you will have along the way.
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era | Getting Your Architecture Started
If you are sitting poised to begin your architecture, but the choices are overwhelming and you’re not sure where to start, the big question to answer is What is your end goal and how will you achieve it?
The answer gives you the direction you need to begin the steps to make it happen.
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era | the Process to Design + Build Architecture
What is the process?
The process of architecture is a series of steps taken in order to realise the design and construction of a building.
The steps occur one after the other.
It is only when all the steps are completed that you will reach your purpose and make architecture specific to you.
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