era | Re-Use

When have you used something old in a new way?

It is easy to find the product you want, buy it and use it as it is, or to make something.

It is far more fun to take something you already own, or something you have found, and re-use it in a different way. Your brain needs to think about that item in a different light and see its potential. It is an exciting and creative experience with an outcome often more rewarding than buying something new off the shelf.

And you have something unique.

There are SO many advantages to re-using items and materials, that we could spend all day listing them all.

You save the earth, save money, invest time, invest thought, invest creativity and voi-la! Magic!

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They say that those with little money are more creative than those with loads to spare.

Because they do not have the funds to purchase whatever they need to solve a problem they have, they need to look at how to solve their problem in a creative way. They take the items they already own, or find items freely available, to create a solution. For instance, use some thing they have been using for one thing in for something else - a seat as a desk or off-cuts from the fence for a path, or the old fire grate to hold the bocce balls …

How do you solve a problem you have?

Do you buy a product that someone else has made to do the job you are trying to solve

Think back over your life. When have you used something old in a new way?

What was the problem that you were trying to solve?

How did you solve the problem with an item you already had?

Or was it solved with an item you had found?

Did it work for you?

How did you feel about it?

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Re-use and Restoration

There is a difference between taking an item and using it in a new way, or in a way that was originally intended, and in restoring that item. Perhaps effort is the difference between the two :)

One may require adjusting the item to a new location and new use.

The other requires effort to fix the item so that it is usable again.

There is a process involved in seeing a problem, considering the solution that will solve it, finding items or materials to make the solution a reality, and putting it all together so that it is works specifically for you.

Re-using an item in a new way can help you see the object in a new light.

The effort and thought in taking something old and making something new, or fixing it to be used as it once was, not only creates an object, but also creates a surprising bond between you and the object you have restored.

Regardless of Re-Use or Restoration, the end result is similar.

I have found that I care more about items I have cared for, fixed up, adjusted to solve a problem, than to an item I have bought straight out from a shop.

Look around.

How do you feel about the items in your life?

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It’s the little things

When it comes to architecture, it is the little things, the little parts, that you include in the design and construction which you will spend your every day moments with.

What will you re-use and include in your architecture?

For me, I want to ensure that the main structure, its footings and the roof that protects it from weather is solid.

The rest is somewhat up for grabs!

Just because something has been used before, does not mean that it is not suitable to be used again.

Think about the problem you are trying to solve and the best solution for that.

The important thing to know is what the critical characteristics are that will solve the problem and what are not.

Then be flexible - find used items that meet all the critical characteristics, and be flexible about the characteristics that are not. You will be surprised by what you find when you start to look in other places than behind the counters of a local franchise.

So what can you re-use? Most things that aren’t damaged!

Doors | Windows | Basins | Sinks | Door Handles | Floor Boards | Cabinets | Bricks | Paving

So many things!

You can find items you can re-use in so many different places.

Second hand shops, the internet, friends, family and the like.

A building that is being demolished can be a fantastic source for re-use, as can a garbage tip.

Keep in mind that when people are solving their own problems and buy something new, they sometimes change their mind, make a mistake or purchase too much. They then sell off the items they don’t need any more - brand new items you can re-use!

These are the start of finding the little things + the little ways that will make architecture that suits you.

Don’t forget:

The parts you build with are your every day.

They are they things you touch. The things that you see.

There is SO much to talk about when it comes to finding a home that fits you, that suits your lifestyle and that is


My hope is that you find the parts that make that special for you!

Your Place.

I have set up a special place where you can find little things and little ways to help you design + build your place.

I will add things to this place as time goes by and I would love to hear if there is anything that will help you! Connect with me and let me know what would be useful for you to see there.

Til next time!


Start the process to find your architectural language and make your little ideas a reality.

Click here to see the little things I have made for you, or click here if you would like to work with me one on one.